“the City and Suburban Bank, the Vegetarian Restaurant” [REDH]
We have plenty of instances of animal flesh on the side-board, whether it's a couple of brace of grouse, Henry Baker's Christmas goose, or a joint of beef.
There was one lone vegetarian restaurant mentioned in the Canon. It had a real-life inspiration. But what else do we know about vegetarianism in Victorian times? It's just a trifle.
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Links / Notes
This episode: ihose.co/trifles163
The Strand Magazine and Sherlock Holmes by Robert Veld (Wessex Press)
Veggie Victorians (History Extra)
The famous "pea-squashing" scene in Murder By Decree
Music credits
Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra
Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band
Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
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